Thursday 10 April 2014

WreckItReview: (STYLE) Dominate Hard Set Resin

So this would be my first proper review, and I would be reviewing a hair-styling product for guys; Dominate Hard Set Resin. Along the review I'll give tips and opinions about the product :)

Photo credits to

Not much info can be gotten from it's website This product is made in New Zealand and has recently been introduced to our local stores. (You can get them at most local supermarkets like Fairprice) They cost no more than SGD9 for 85g, which is slightly cheaper than Gatsby's Moving Rubber and I call them "The Poorman's Villain" lol...

So here are it's ratings:
Smell: It says added "pheromones" (supposedly to make you more attractive to the opposite sex), but nope. I have been using it for bout' 2 months now and not a single lady has come up to me and asked for my number. It smells rather manly, like a masculine man cologne which is really i give it a 4/5.

Plaibility: When it comes to wax, I classify them under 3 types; Cake, Paste and Cream. Cake being the hardest to spread onto hair and cream being the easiest. This would be under Paste. Easily melts onto your hand but does not really spread like butter into your hair. To make things easier, I damp my hair first using wet hands before applying the wax. So I give it a 3/5.

Hold: Has the strongest hold among it's series. Personally this 'Hold' rating is very subjective and I always lock the style in using my mom's good ol' hairspray. Anyways, it says 5/5.

Shine: Yeah, it really has some good shine in it. Along with damp hair and hairspray my hair can easily glitter across the room LOLOLOLOL. But those who are wondering whether to go with shine or matt. Shine would be for a neat, fresh look while matt would be for that messy, grunge look. For me, it would be if my fringe stays I use matt and if it goes up I'll use glossy. So it gets 4/5 for shine.

Wash-ability: Not sure if I just made a new word, but this thing goes off REAL EASY. It is like the opposite of getting a girl's number. It washes off with just water. JUST. WATER. But its scent still stays for a while though. So it gets 4.5/5 for washing off.

I have really taken a liking to Dominate's products. I have previously used their 'Spike-It!' wax which was more for creating dramatic spikes on your head and was just as nice to use. I use this wax to mainly create that comb-back/quiff/beckham kinda style, using a hairbrush. (I got my mum to get one for me, she knows best (Y). Don't worry, real men use hairbrushes too. Oh and one more thing, I did not use the hair-blower at all in styling my hair.

*NOTE: If you are wondering, I do not post pictures of myself with my hair styled. Mainly because, I believe everyone's haircut and hairtype is different. Even our barber/hairdresser is different! So I see no point in posting the end result. Be yourself, stay cool :)

Another pic showing the back of the tub:

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