Friday 11 April 2014

WreckItLife: (TIP) Trouble Sleeping?

Anyone having trouble sleeping lately? Well, I don't think you are the only one around so I decided to give a tip or two based on my experience on how I deal with insomnia the cheap, unprofessional way...

WAIT! Don't pop those sleeping pills just yet!

Tip #1: Try camomile tea. Yeah, good camomile tea, (it is tea but I'll explain). You can drink it either cold or hot, with or without honey. Camomile tea is actually a certain kind of white tea (which just means flower-brewed rather than leaves), so it does not contain caffeine at all. To top it, camomile has been known for relaxing properties. So drink a cup of it before you sleep. They come in standard teabags like this:

Tip #2: Do not sleep with an empty stomach. Yea, trying to sleep with an empty stomach is like asking the chick-next-door to be your girlfriend even though you guys just met. It is gonna be impossible to sleep with the tummy roaring lion king all night. So either grab a snack before sleeping or just sleep earlier so dinner still has some presence in the body lol. Supper is good but people these days wanna lose weight and stuff...all these assuming we take a proper dinner at bout' 7pm onwards.

Tip #3: Grab a read before sleeping. Reading is magical, it makes me feel like hitting the bed almost after reading a 300 word summary. Get a comfortable posture near your bed or on our bed, read up anything that contains more words than anything else. Comics don't count, sadly T_T.

Tip #4: This is like a last resort if the above 3 do not work. Here would be how it goes:
- Start the next day early. LIKE REALLY EARLY! Say around 2 hours earlier than standard. 
- Go out, do all sorts of shit to make yourself tired like an outing or hiking. (Those long duration activities that requires you to be on your feet) 
- NOTE: Stay away from all sorts of caffeine. I know coffee rocks the soul but no! No wings today. And no afternoon naps, they just screw your sleeping schedule up.
- If alcohol helps take a sip at night.
- Take an early night (which you should be able to after all that activity) and start the morning as per usual. This should re-adjust your entire bodyclock and make sleeping at night much easier.

If all this do not work, then it would be best to seek professional help :) After all, who doesn't want to get a ticket to dreamland paradise?

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