Friday 11 April 2014

WreckItLife: (TIP) Trouble Sleeping?

Anyone having trouble sleeping lately? Well, I don't think you are the only one around so I decided to give a tip or two based on my experience on how I deal with insomnia the cheap, unprofessional way...

WAIT! Don't pop those sleeping pills just yet!

Tip #1: Try camomile tea. Yeah, good camomile tea, (it is tea but I'll explain). You can drink it either cold or hot, with or without honey. Camomile tea is actually a certain kind of white tea (which just means flower-brewed rather than leaves), so it does not contain caffeine at all. To top it, camomile has been known for relaxing properties. So drink a cup of it before you sleep. They come in standard teabags like this:

Tip #2: Do not sleep with an empty stomach. Yea, trying to sleep with an empty stomach is like asking the chick-next-door to be your girlfriend even though you guys just met. It is gonna be impossible to sleep with the tummy roaring lion king all night. So either grab a snack before sleeping or just sleep earlier so dinner still has some presence in the body lol. Supper is good but people these days wanna lose weight and stuff...all these assuming we take a proper dinner at bout' 7pm onwards.

Tip #3: Grab a read before sleeping. Reading is magical, it makes me feel like hitting the bed almost after reading a 300 word summary. Get a comfortable posture near your bed or on our bed, read up anything that contains more words than anything else. Comics don't count, sadly T_T.

Tip #4: This is like a last resort if the above 3 do not work. Here would be how it goes:
- Start the next day early. LIKE REALLY EARLY! Say around 2 hours earlier than standard. 
- Go out, do all sorts of shit to make yourself tired like an outing or hiking. (Those long duration activities that requires you to be on your feet) 
- NOTE: Stay away from all sorts of caffeine. I know coffee rocks the soul but no! No wings today. And no afternoon naps, they just screw your sleeping schedule up.
- If alcohol helps take a sip at night.
- Take an early night (which you should be able to after all that activity) and start the morning as per usual. This should re-adjust your entire bodyclock and make sleeping at night much easier.

If all this do not work, then it would be best to seek professional help :) After all, who doesn't want to get a ticket to dreamland paradise?

Thursday 10 April 2014

WreckItReview: (STYLE) Dominate Hard Set Resin

So this would be my first proper review, and I would be reviewing a hair-styling product for guys; Dominate Hard Set Resin. Along the review I'll give tips and opinions about the product :)

Photo credits to

Not much info can be gotten from it's website This product is made in New Zealand and has recently been introduced to our local stores. (You can get them at most local supermarkets like Fairprice) They cost no more than SGD9 for 85g, which is slightly cheaper than Gatsby's Moving Rubber and I call them "The Poorman's Villain" lol...

So here are it's ratings:
Smell: It says added "pheromones" (supposedly to make you more attractive to the opposite sex), but nope. I have been using it for bout' 2 months now and not a single lady has come up to me and asked for my number. It smells rather manly, like a masculine man cologne which is really i give it a 4/5.

Plaibility: When it comes to wax, I classify them under 3 types; Cake, Paste and Cream. Cake being the hardest to spread onto hair and cream being the easiest. This would be under Paste. Easily melts onto your hand but does not really spread like butter into your hair. To make things easier, I damp my hair first using wet hands before applying the wax. So I give it a 3/5.

Hold: Has the strongest hold among it's series. Personally this 'Hold' rating is very subjective and I always lock the style in using my mom's good ol' hairspray. Anyways, it says 5/5.

Shine: Yeah, it really has some good shine in it. Along with damp hair and hairspray my hair can easily glitter across the room LOLOLOLOL. But those who are wondering whether to go with shine or matt. Shine would be for a neat, fresh look while matt would be for that messy, grunge look. For me, it would be if my fringe stays I use matt and if it goes up I'll use glossy. So it gets 4/5 for shine.

Wash-ability: Not sure if I just made a new word, but this thing goes off REAL EASY. It is like the opposite of getting a girl's number. It washes off with just water. JUST. WATER. But its scent still stays for a while though. So it gets 4.5/5 for washing off.

I have really taken a liking to Dominate's products. I have previously used their 'Spike-It!' wax which was more for creating dramatic spikes on your head and was just as nice to use. I use this wax to mainly create that comb-back/quiff/beckham kinda style, using a hairbrush. (I got my mum to get one for me, she knows best (Y). Don't worry, real men use hairbrushes too. Oh and one more thing, I did not use the hair-blower at all in styling my hair.

*NOTE: If you are wondering, I do not post pictures of myself with my hair styled. Mainly because, I believe everyone's haircut and hairtype is different. Even our barber/hairdresser is different! So I see no point in posting the end result. Be yourself, stay cool :)

Another pic showing the back of the tub:

WreckItFandom: (K-POP!) Favourite Idol Group

Welcome to my very first review, not really a review but yea, for those wondering...I have finally found my next favourite K-POP group! (It's goodbye KARA until Nicole is back) YEZZZZ!!!!! Not really a popular group and definitely lower tier-ed, they are.....*DRUM ROLL*

A picture of them here:
From left to right: Dahye (Rapper, dancer), Haeryung (Maknae, face), Hyeyeon (Leader, Lead vocal), U-Ji (Main vocal)

Any idea who they are yet? They are known as BESTie. (Yeah, caps on the BEST) Not the best on visuals, definitely not the most talented group but somehow they got me. All 4 having their own unique charm (2 cute, 2 sexy...nuff said).

My favourite song of theirs would be Love Options, their second single:
Cool right? Not slutty, sexy, not overly cute...just right, stay classy girls...

So the next question would be who is my favourite? It would be U-Ji. Ok, here is another pic...
Epic gorgeousness please...*.*

She is the main vocalist of the group. Her vocals are really, top of the top! Say it is kinda of what you get when Ailee and Hyorin's vocals are mixed...yes. IT IS THAT GOOD! 

A bit of background on her she was supposed to debut with Hyorin and SECRET's Jieun as a vocal-trio. But I think all 3 together would be too much for us to handle hehehe. So U-Ji is perfect vocals, flawless visuals IMO, and ideal legs to boot. An epitome of a perfect lady...(oh and did I mention she is the shyest of the group?)

*Note: I am not sure if she is in charge of the 'SEXEH!' image of the group or Dahye is. U-Ji is usually seen with the most exposing outfits showing her perfectly toned bod. But Dahye can dance like I am at a lost BUT HECK! I AM A GUY ANYWAY! So praise the lord!

For those who don't believe me about her vocal talent, a video of her covering Let it Go, so far the best korean cover of the original version:
Her wave at the last part...HHHNNGGGG~

Some crazy lungs she has lol, great tonal accuracy, almost perfect control and really good power. 

So to sum it up, BESTie is really really underated as far as I know but they have been gaining some good recognition steadily. (I see great potential in them, the prophecy says so! lol) Do check all the other members as well cause they are just as good. (Dahye even though the rapper she has almost main-vocal standards, Haeryung is very good at acting, Hyeyeon's voice is really low and unique, girl kinda-low)


SIDE-TRACK: Of all the languages of Let it Go, I personally think Japanese is the nicest. Both Takako's and May J.'s. Maybe because the language by nature is smooth in articulation.